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Microsoft Excel 2019 está configurada y lista para ser utilizada.
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Microsoft Excel 2019 está configurada y lista para ser utilizada.

Colaboración de primera
Suba a bordo a sus colaboradores para experimentar el verdadero significado de la colaboración. Selectionar Comparta carpetas y decida quién puede verlas o editarlas.
Más información sobre Microsoft Excel 2019
Excel 2019 helps you unlock insights and tell the story in your data. Powerful charts, graphs, and keyboard shortcuts turn columns of numbers into valuable information, so you can work easier. Preview recommended charts and graphs to select the best way to display your information. Review trends with one-click Forecasting. Use the Tell Me search bar to ask how to perform actions and get the results you want.
With one simple click, create forecast charts based on historical data and predict future trends.
Visualize financial or hierarchical data, and highlight statistical properties of your data with new chart types.
Fact-check or explore terms in your documents with Bing-powered Smart Lookup.